Tuesday, August 16, 2011


On our cruise there was so much joy.

I realize this picture may not mean joy to you but let me tell you what it means to me.

While were in Montego Bay, Jamaica we went to Seawinds Beach Club for an excursion and it was heavenly. It was day three of the cruise and I had rested for the previous two days. While we were at the Beach Club we kayaked, we sailed, we got braids, we ate, we snorkeled, we blissed out.

When we arrived back to the ship, I went to the side to watch the ship leave the dock and there was a group of Jamaicans dressed in military garb, playing drums and brass instruments. I love a drum circle so I was already in heaven. While I was watching that, these two ladies danced into the circle. They were on their way to reboard the ship and began dancing with the military man who was dancing in the circle and I felt this surge of JOY that I can't really explain. They were so joyful and it was such an perfect expression of how I was feeling.

So, in honor of the joy that Jamaica brought to us, here are some pictures from that day:

Yeah! Mon!

Nelson's braids and beads

These guys were playing 'When the Saints Go Marching In' as we got back on the ship.

The drum circle - LOVE!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I know what you mean about the dancing bringing you joy! There is just something about the happy abandon that I see in that picture! Great picture!