Saturday, September 10, 2011

Change Your Life Caramel Apples - Seriously.

I am not even going to try to be poetic about this. The entire purpose of this post is to get you to go to this blog post and get the recipe for these caramel apples. They are the BEST WAY to spend an Autumn afternoon. Amen.

Just in case it helps to inspire you to see a picture, here is the one she posted on her site.

Wait! Wait! If that didn't inspire you, how about this?

That's chocolate, caramel, and your choice of candy coating that delicious, juicy apple. You have to SLICE it to eat it! Bring it to a neighbor that you hope will forgive your yard this summer. Oh, you don't have one of those? Oh. Nevermind.


Cindy said...

Yum! I'm counting calories right now - how many does one of those have? Surely not too many. And it would be a couple of servings of fruit.

Catherine said...

I'm pretty sure the fruit cancels out the fat and calories.

Anonymous said...

Catherine- it is true! The apple is so healthy and good for ya that the chocolate and caramel calories don't count. It is a scientific fact. Thanks for the mention! :)