Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Birthday Blessing Blessing

My amazing husband gave our daughter a wonderful birthday blessing and I thought it might bless you too.  It was the perfect combination of funny and serious and even had a little bit of inside joking, which makes it even more wonderful.  I seriously love that man. 


Meagan Micayla Mosier
Meagan means “Pearl”. 
Micayla means “Who is like God
Mosier means “One who grew and sold vegetable”.  We were kind of stuck with that one. 
Micayla, a real pearl is very rare and very valuable.  It is formed over many years and starts when a foreign substance is introduced into the oyster.  From very early on, you were “foreign”.  You have always been called to things outside of the comfort of the shell that is our family…from wanting to be reborn with “brown skin” when you get to Heaven, to being called to others of different cultures.   Never discontent, but always knowing that your destiny lies outside of “the norm”.  You truly are a “foreigner in a strange land”. 
You are accurately named as “Pearl who is like God”…very rare and valuable.  The proof is in this book and by the presence of those here celebrating with you on your special day.
You are a blessing to others.
-      You are like the rain falling on dry ground.  When you are around, others feel refreshed and replenished by your presence.
You are like a deer - sure-footed in your ways and decisions.
-     You are like the honey badger – you are strong, independent and you don’t care what others think.
Mostly, you are like your mother – Zealous for God, compassionate towards others and selfless in everything.
As you leave adolescence, I bless you.
I bless you as a woman of God.  May His voice always be your guide as you continue to become a Proverbs 31 woman
I bless you in the city and in the field
I bless you in the U.S. and abroad
I bless you with the favor of God
I bless you with the constant friendship and companionship of your Creator.
I bless you as a daughter of the King of Kings
I bless you with His protection
I bless you with the resolve of Ruth
I bless you with the Faith of Mary
I am so very proud of you…who you have been, who you are now and who you are becoming.  You are truly a remarkable young woman.
I love you,

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