It's Thanksgiving! Our tummies are full and the first load of dishes is in the washer. More family will be here soon for the leftovers meal and the BIG GAME! And I have time to update my blog.
The big news today was that Mom was able to come to Thanksgiving! She has had a rough month. The chemo treatments have been hard on her. The stories we hear about people working full-time during their chemo worry us a little because she DEFINITELY COULD NOT work right now. She is exhausted. Her blood counts have been seriously low and she just feels cruddy most of the time. We had been concerned about whether or not she could come to dinner because her white count was down too low to be around people. Her platelets and hemoglobin were also really low so she had a transfusion two days ago and we were waiting on a call during the meal to know whether or not she had to go inpatient for a platelet transfusion. Thank the Lord she was able to be with us and didn't have to go into the hospital today. She will have another blood test tomorrow but it looks like her numbers are coming back up. The doctor said they will decrease her meds some for the next chemo treatment because apparently, although this was the normal dosage for her weight, it was too much for her.
The reason it's been so long since I posted is that I have tried to return to my normal work schedule. Dad has been such a blessing and a wonderful caregiver for Mom. It's what she was "thankful for" during our meal today and I am truly grateful as well. My dad has always been a great man - an Air Force pilot, a leader in every church we attended even though we moved every two years, a college professor and dean, my husband's mentor and my son's hero. Now he is showing us all how a man loves his wife "in sickness and in health". As their daughter, I have been given a gift that I must attempt to repay - both to them and to the Lord.
I have been sick A LOT this month. Nothing ever really serious but some fever and just crud that keeps me from being able to see Mom. It's been pretty frustrating. And why have I been sick, you ask? Ummm, let's just call it stress. I started taking vitamins today and I am trying very hard to remember that everything I say "yes" to that I really want to say "no" to requires me to say "no" to something I really want to say "yes" to. Did that make any sense? Read it again if you need to. Go ahead. I'll wait.
I think the most important lesson I'm trying to learn right now is to say "no" to people. Especially people I love. We have had two divorces in our family this year and they have resulted in some really serious needs that we want to meet but can't always. It is really hard for us to see someone we love in a hard situation and not try to help. It is definitely our first inclination. But we are learning that if we use all of our resources helping in "emergencies" we will miss out on the things that are truly our responsibilities and the things that bring us joy. Wade and I are just trying to be led by the Holy Spirit and keep our priorities straight. Not easy.
SO . . . today I am truly thankful for another day with my Mom and Dad. I'm thankful for a husband who is my partner in this life. I'm thankful for a job that brings me satisfaction as well as income. I'm thankful for two teenagers who are growing in grace. I'm thankful for little doggies that cleaned up my meal prep mess from the floor as I was cooking. And I'm thankful for quiet moments in between family times. Life is good. God is better.
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