Monday, February 14, 2011

Blessed, Blessed, Blessed

Well, it's Valentine's Day and my husband's birthday.  It has been a wonderful day.  We celebrated Valentine's Day on Saturday and have hardly seen each other today but it is such a blessing to love and be loved on this day.  I remember my single days and Valentine's Days without a date that were no fun.   (How many times did I use the word "day" in that paragraph? No prizes for the right answer, sorry.)

The big news today though is that Bennet is officially a member of the family!  His adoption was finalized today in Texas and tonight he is in Alabama with his new mommy and daddy.  I am just so happy for them! I am really looking forward to kissing his sweet cheeks soon.

A much less exciting but still exciting news item is that I finished a hat for my mom tonight.  I finished it on Friday but it was too small for her so it was turned back into a ball of yarn and remade yesterday and today.  I hope she enjoys it.  I found the pattern on  If you haven't discovered that site yet and you enjoy knitting and crochet, you ought to check it out.  Since my sister is the only person who actually reads my blog though (Hi Sis!), that little piece of info is very unneccessary. 


jackie said...

I read it too! See you soon ;)

catherinesmusings said...

Thanks Jackie! I can't wait to see you!