A couple of weeks ago my husband told me about a conversation with a family member who said, "Where is this God I've always been told about? I've never seen him. Have you?" He shared it with me as a prayer request, but my response was more like, "I know just how he feels. I've been feeling that way too."
It's been weird. In my life and my job, I pray for people frequently. We pray about heart issues and sometimes I even pray for physical healing as part of those prayers. But somewhere along the way I had stopped expecting God to answer with a yes, especially if it was something REAL. Something that would have evidence. Something that only God could do. And especially if the person I was praying for was fragile or young in Christ. Or an unbeliever.
Then we invited a dear friend who 'believes in science, not God' to live with us for the summer. And she had some REAL needs. Instead of praying for her and with her, I told her I would pray about it. What a copout. But I was copping out for God. Protecting his reputation.
So, the night that my husband and I had that conversation, it became really clear and I began talking to God about it.
"Where have you been? Why do you always say no? To the real stuff. The stuff that would be easy for you, but impossible for us."
And I sensed Him whisper to my heart, "When have you asked?"
And I knew. I knew I had NEVER really asked for the REAL stuff. I'd see a guy in a wheel chair and feel inclined to pray WITH HIM for him to be healed. Instead I'd pray for him as I walked away and tell myself it was better for him because if (when) God said no, it would make the guy feel bad. Yeah right.
So that night I told God I would start asking. I asked him for courage. I asked him to say yes sometimes. I asked him for wisdom.
And I've prayed. For real stuff. That only he can do.
And He has given a job to a dear one who had been looking for months and got one, a good one, the week we prayed. And he got rid of a tormenting voice that she had experienced her whole life. It was gone. Not there anymore. What!!??
I have been praying for some other people too and I am hopeful that God will say yes. We will see. Because I've been asking for things you can see.
I trust him whether he says yes or no. I used to say that but I am asking him to change me so that I actually trust him. And ask. And let him take care of his own reputation.